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Your child - "learning-disabled"? - Successful private tutor can help . 1
PURSCHKE - health education helps to reduce hyperactivity (ADHD/ADHS) in children. Health education by Purschke always means hardening elements for still more intelligence. If you take Purschke, you can be sure to avoid the dangerous German institution school for special needs ("Förderschule" or Sonderschule). For most pupils, especially boys, schhool for special needs is nonsense because they are not disabled after totally built up by private tutor Dietmar Purschke from Ronnenberg near Hannover.
Call, write only postally, set a quick date to:
Dietmar Purschke
Blumenstraße 4
30952 Ronnenberg bei Hannover
Phone: (049) - (0) 5109 - 6525
Daily from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm
Home visits everywhere
Best references
Purschke - and your child will be eager to learn, high motivated extraordinarily.
Special program for foreign children.
Key words:
Worth reading:
Manufacturing Victims by Dr. Tana Dineen
A Hard Look at Discrimination in Education in Germany (Open Society Foundation)