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Western Digital My Book Essential 500GB External USB 2.0 Hard Drive

Preis: € 35,00
Region: Bonn, Nordrhein-westfalen
Anzeige vom: 18 Februar, 5:31
Aufrufe: 2
ID: m1dVmn94
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Manufacturer's Description
Are you running out of hard drive capacity? Do you need to archive some important digital documents, photos, or music? This elegant external hard drive, reminiscent of a book, is the perfect solution. It takes no more space than a paperback book. Collect two or more and they nest neatly together like volumes on a shelf.

Easy to set up, easy to use - Installation is a snap because you don't really install this drive, you just plug it in and it's ready to use.
USB 2.0 interface - A simple connection that offers convenience and compatibility among multiple computers.
Fits right in - Takes no more space than a paperback book. Collect two or more and they nest neatly together like volumes on a shelf.
Smart and energy efficient - Turns itself on and off with your computer.
PC and Mac compatible - Works with both Windows® 2000/XP/Vista and Mac® OS X 10.4.8 or later
Ideal for

Instant storage
Easy to use
USB 2.0
Saving and organizing your digital photo collection

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