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SOS - Englischhilfe LK GK English tutor 1
Poor grades in Englisch LK or GK? Heading for "Note 4 or 5"?
Maybe you're not happy with 3's and 2's and want that extra push to get you to 2 or 1?
Then let's do this
I've been helping students like yourself get their grades up since 2007. This stuff is easy as pie, if you follow my time-proven methods. Trust me: you can do this.
Just to prove that anyone could do it, I even decided to GO TO SCHOOL MYSELF and see what makes German teachers of English so strict, and how you can use my experiences there to YOUR ADVANTAGE.
With my guidance you will learn:
*What is the biggest time-waster in exams and when doing homework, and how one simple practice exercise can CUT THAT IN HALF!
*How grammar and vocabulary aren't really all that complicated, once we get together, you will see ...
*How FOUR SENTENCES and ONE SIMPLE TRICK give you ALL THE TOOLS you will need.
*How to analyse poems, speeches/rhetoric and newspaper articles effectively PLUS how to get those thoughts on paper so your teacher notices.
*How to read before the class - even Shakespearean and Elizabethan texts - in a way that brings them to life
Learning doesn't have to be difficult. It's not rocket science!
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