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Roland Juno 60 vintage synthesizer, synth Japan 80's 80er 1

Preis: € 950,00
Region: Mannheim, Baden-württemberg
Anzeige vom: 6 Oktober, 21:36
Aufrufe: 4
ID: P4DWG3ky
Vorsichtige Handel, betrogen zu vermeiden.

Up for auction is this perfectly maintained, vintage Roland Juno 60 programmable polyphonic synthesizer. The Juno 60 has become one of the rarest and most sought after synthesizers of all time. This piece in particular is of museum quality. It was purchased from the son-in-law of the original owner and was kept mostly hidden away in the closet and hardly ever played. It may have never left the house judging by it's amazing condition. The serial number dates its production to May of 1983
After inspection I found only some light wear on one side of the wood, and one single scratch about the size of a pinhead on the back. I did my best to show this in the pictures, but it was small enough that it is difficult to photograph.
I am not a professional synth player, but I tested every key as well as each slider, controller and button. Everything seemed to be in perfect working condition. I have recorded a crude video and posted it to Youtube showing the functionality of the synth.

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