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Looking for owner of two 1 year old dogs 1
For a German friend of ours we are looking to find a somewhat experienced owner (leader) for two dogs.
The dogs are 1 year old and have a story to them; in 2015, as pups they were brought in from Thailand.
Facebookpage -
Lokation: Frankfurt
Passport - Yes
Vaccination - All
Dewormed - Yes
hometrained - Yes
Race - Thai dogs, no inbreed, so this means healthy and strong
Behaviour - Friendly to children and people, need to get used to people in the start
Bark at doorbell - once, then silent.
The dogs need some training (they pull on the leesh) but do come when called and wait for their food.
The dogs are VERY beautiful and friendly.
Call us for the whole story +31648157445
Kind regards,