Startseite > Immobilien > Gewerbeimmobilien mieten > Frankfurt am Main
Elegant, modern, unique - Your new skyscraper office at the Frankfurt Trade fair 1
Kaltmiete: auf Anfrage
Immobilientyp: Büro
Nutzfläche: ca. 1026 m²
Lift, Kantine
Kaltmiete: auf Anfrage
Mieterprovision: to commisionAs a matter of form we refer to our commission conditions:
In case of renting the broker commission amounts to 3. Weitere Informationen siehe Provisionshinweis.
Miete (netto), monatl. je m²: € 26,00
Objektdaten Büro
Nutzfläche: ca. 1026 m²
Energie & Baujahr
Energieausweistyp: Bedarfsausweis
Hauptenergieträger: Fernwärme
Heizungsart: Fern
Endenergiebedarf: 316.30 kWh/m² Jahr
The building complex is an impressive 130.00 m tall highrise and is surrounded by a green area. On the ground floor there are restaurants and shops which cover everyday needs. The entrance hall has a doormans area and access controls. High Speed lifts take you to the floor of your choice.
In close proximity of the "Messeturm" (Trade Fair Tower) and the "Kastor", this widely known high-rise building is located in the trade fair area. The Frankfurt Westkreuz junction (A5) is a few minutes drive away, while the Central Railway Station is within walking distance.
Sonstige Angaben
to commision
As a matter of form we refer to our commission conditions:
In case of renting the broker commission amounts to 3.0 monthly net rents for rental agree-ments up to a term of 5 years, for a term exceeding 5 years, 4.0 monthly net rents are charged, in each case plus valid turnover tax. Any option(s) granted to the tenant for a renewal of the rental contract is (are) regarded as contract periods. In case of graduated rents the commission payment will be calculated based on the average rent. Rent free periods and other incentives will not be considered for the calculation of the average rent. Additional renting based on the options agreed upon in the rental agreement is subject to broker commission, while these options remain valid. Other renting of additional spaces is subject to broker commission within a period of time of 18 months after the start of the contract term. The commission is payable and deemed as earned on conclusion of the rental agreement. In other respects our General Terms and Conditions apply.
In the majority of cases we´ll be able to negotiate, that the landlords will take over our broker commission. In this case, our service will be free of charge for you.
Gesamtfläche: 1026,00 m², 32 Etagen