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Amiga Commodore High Resolution Monitor Mod. 1081 1

Preis: € 225,00
Region: Groß-Zimmern, Hessen
Anzeige vom: 12 September, 14:10
Aufrufe: 2
ID: 5495Zd74
Vorsichtige Handel, betrogen zu vermeiden.

The Commodore 1081 is a color monitor made by Commodore. The monitor has audio (mono), can display video and RGB and is suitable for the VIC 20, C64, C128, C16, C116, Plus/4 and Amiga.
This monitor was intended for the Amiga 1000. The strange thing is that the monitor has only one speaker and all Amiga's have stereo sound.
RGB 80 x 25, Comp 40 x 25
640 x 256 pix, 640 x 512 pix interlaced
Screen size:
335 mm (13'')
Mono sound
RGB analog, Video, Audio (mono), SCART
326 x 352 x 376 mm

Versand im Inland kostenfrei, keine Rücknahme

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The Commodore 1081 is a color monitor made by Commodore. The monitor has audio (mono), can display video and RGB and is suitable for the VIC 20, C64, C128, C16, C116, Plus/4 and Amiga. This monitor was intended for the Amiga 1000. The strange thing i
The Commodore 1081 is a color monitor made by Commodore. The monitor has audio (mono), can display video and RGB and is suitable for the VIC 20, C64, C128, C16, C116, Plus/4 and Amiga. This monitor was intended for the Amiga 1000. The strange thing i
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